Discover the benefits of Kanban for your Scrum team!

Have you ever thought about how Kanban could increase the effectiveness of your Scrum team? Imagine a special training coming soon that leverages the synergies of Scrum and Kanban to give your team a valuable competitive advantage. Imagine how you can integrate the principles and techniques of Kanban into your Scrum framework. You'll learn how to leverage the [...]

Do you already know EduKanban?

Simone is on the road with EduKanban and brings Kanban into the school context. Do you wish for more time for the "core business" and increased space for creative moments? Do you wish for a simplification of collaboration on all levels? Would it help you to have an overview of the tasks to be accomplished in order to get into the "doing" more quickly? Would you like a new way of working in the classroom, in which [...]