Pierre LeBlanc

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Pierre LeBlanc is a formateur expert and a coach agile, having formed hundreds of practitioners and teams across Canada and Europe. Pierre has more than 20 years of experience in information technologies as an entrepreneur and software developer.
Since the beginning of his career, he has been trained in the practices of Extreme Programming (XP) at a specialised SME in the development of measurement logic and web applications.His first experience of Scrum came when he joined the development team of the Québécois Jobboom.com employment site, at Canoë Inc. Pierre then joined Morgan Stanley, an American investment firm, where he became Scrum Master for a team distributed around the world.
En 2015, il devient coach et formateur Agile, pour mieux se concentrer sur les gens, leurs besoins et leurs apprentissages. Over the course of his career, he has been involved in several OBNLs, such as Toastmasters International, where he has held several roles, including director of the division supporting 25 clubs in the Montréal region.
Toujours dans cette lignée, Pierre siège maintenant sur plusieurs conseils d'administration d'organisations à but non lucratif. Celles-ci incluent : Ciné Tapis Rouge, une organisation dédiée à la promotion du cinéma Québécois à l'international, et Go Pyrate!, un organisme d'économie sociale qui veut forger l'avenir du monde du travail.
His mission is to reinvent the organisations by reducing the burden and delivering the priority issues at the right time. Passionate about history, he will certainly tell you some in-depth facts about America and Europe during his training. Père de famille attentionné, ses autres temps libres sont partagés par le cinéma et les jeux vidéos.