Personal Kanban Trainer

You want to get to your Kanban knowledge now, personalised. You need the certification soon to advance as a coach?

You are a leader and organisational transformation offers opportunities for people who know about value stream and lean in knowledge work?

You already lead agile teams and are responsible for value chains in the organisation. You want to finally find those Bottelnecks in the End2End process and make your customers even happier?

The dates of the public trainings just don't fit into your calendar? You don't want to share your challenge in a class or you are not allowed to do so? Do you have specific problems that you would like to work on with experts in addition to basic knowledge?

Book your Personal Kanban Trainer!

You can book all the training offers on the website and put them together in the way you think suits you and your goals. Together we will work out the training plan and set your goals.

Together we can achieve more than just the necessary learning goals for the certifications. You can ask further questions and learn according to your situation.