Monika Imhof


"Visualization is half the battle."

Accompanying groups and people is a matter close to my heart and runs like a thread through my professional career. It fills me with joy when teams become more successful through me. No matter if it is a planning, a workshop with the local council or a leadership seminar; there's no way, there's no way for me as a facilitator.

Over the years, I have worked successfully in various industries. Be it in an SME, at vocational schools, at SBB Education, in healthcare or in HR. In the process, I learned a lot about myself and working in groups and found my passion. It is the moderation of meetings, workshops and seminars that makes my heart beat faster.

Trainings and certificates

MAS in Adult and Professional Education
CAS Team Dynamics under Change
Kanban System Design®
Certified Scrum Master®
i.a. Certified Professional Facilitator
