Sabine Neuenschwander

I support that it - continues - to move forward. 

I am passionate about strengthening people and teams so that they have enough strength, energy and drive in everyday life - again. Helping people to help themselves" is particularly important to me. What is learned should be easy to implement in everyday life. Because our modern everyday life challenges us in many ways. Resilience encompasses various life situations in which every human being finds himself or herself. 

Sleep | Nutrition | Fitness | Pain | Balance...

Carousel of thoughts | Experiences | Emotions | Processing...

Needs | Goals | Life Meaning | Responsibility...

Family | Partner | Professional world | Friends...

I have been working at the interface of health - business - coaching for over 10 years. I am supported by my background as an alternative physician and educator in mental health.

Trainings and certificates

Systemic Coaching & Change Management,
Personal Agility Recognized Practitioner
Resilience Coach Business
Educator for menthal health
Business Economist FH
Certified Scrum Master,
Certified Scrum Product Owner
CAS agile organization
Advanced Scrum Master SAFe
Personal Agility Recognized Practitioner
Alternative Medicine TE